We all understand that the Autumn Equinox signals the end of summer and the start of the autumn. The nights start to draw in and the equinox commonly signals the day when the day and night are of equal length, although we are not quite there this year, expect this to occur on Friday or Saturday. There are only two days of the year when this occurs.
But, what for us as spiritual beings does this signify?
The equinox and solstice form four key points in the year. The two equinox events are when the length of days changes giving us equal day and night. These four key points form part of winter, spring, summer and autumn. Ancient indigenous cultures have always recognised these as important times to recognise and make change. In times before clocks and calendars, being more deeply connected to nature showed these changes. As we start to consciously reconnect to nature more and more, these changes become more apparent to us. A time to store food for the winter and to prepare our homes.
When we look back at the history, we can see the significance of the harvest is a great influencer on the autumn equinox. The fields are bare and ready to be re-planted. It is a time to give thanks for what our planet has gifted us in terms of food and other vital items. It is also a time to acknowledge the changes in our life, what has grown and what has gone. Our lives go through cycles of growth, death and rebirth, just as we see in nature.
The Autumn Equinox is the perfect time to honour all that you have in your life. Take the time to shift your consciousness from what you don’t have, to gratitude for what you do. Maybe have a small ritual. Such as lighting a candle, giving thanks, and speaking your gratitude for all that you have. A perfect time to do this is either side of the equinox, that occurs at 7.21pm this evening. Take some time either side of the equinox to acknowledge all that you are grateful for through quiet meditation. It is also the perfect moment to visualise how you would like to take your life forward too.
Autumn is the time to think over the year and start planning for the new one. Take energy from the changing seasons to plan for next year, clear out from your home or life things that you no longer need. Be ready for a cosy winter to enjoy the indoors in a clear and well thought out space, internally and externally. Let the cold and darkness of winter be healing to take you into spring.
Harness the power of the autumn equinox to take your life forward. Did you know that tarot readings can harness the fantastic energy of the equinox, so why not get in touch and book a phone tarot reading with us. We can offer you guidance on love and relationships, home and family, finances or maybe career matters. Whatever change you are looking to make this autumn equinox a tarot reading could be the answer.