From Kee RA
Oracle Priestess & Soul Reader
Crystal Skull Guardian
Whenever I welcome a new Crystal Skull to my Crystal Skull family I like to "activate" Him/Her and spend some time just sitting and receiving afterwards. At the request of the Crystal Skull Consciousness and Kai Eee RA Ha (my Rainbow Etheric Crystal Skull) I am sharing the method I use (I'm sure there are many others!).
If it calls to you do use it with any new or existing members of Your Crystal Skull family!
Sometimes there may be an instant connection and you may even receive their name immediately, other times the connection can take a little longer. I recently connected with a Crystal Skull i had had for 6 months, prior to this She just had not spoken to me..........all is always in Divine Timing!
Connect to your Heart, Root into the Crystalline Centre of the Earth and the Crystalline DNA in your own body, both in your Physical and Etheric bodies.
Visualize your own Skull as Crystalline beneath your skin.
Hold your crystal skull in your right hand, tone to clear His/Her energy or visualize filling Him/Her with Light - I like to call in the Blue Flame of Ptah the Egyptian Creator God – the Light Language for this is “PTAH IZU IN ESS” repeat 3 times.
Place your skull over your Heart and bring in Unconditional Love, ask out loud for your crystal skull to work with you for the highest good of all your Brothers and Sisters on the earth, both seen and unseen and to assist your own Soul's evolution.
Connect yourself and your crystal skull to the Pure White Light, Love and Clarity of the Crystal Skull Consciousness and the original 13 Master Crystal Skulls. (you can say out loud "i connect myself and my crystal skull to....etc etc).
Connect to the Consciousness of the Singing Crystal Skulls
Connect to the Consciousness of the Talking Crystal Skulls
Connect to the Star Nations and Our Star Brothers and Sisters
Sit with Your Skull now in your left hand and take time to receive…..
Journal any messages and wisdom.
Your Skull may give you’re their name, the Earth Portal they are connected to, the Star System/Planet or Beings they are connected to – sometimes this will come quickly or it may take a few days. Take time each day to sit with your skull and to nurture a relationship with Him/Her– connect from your Heart first, you can then gaze into His/Her eye sockets for a time then close your eyes as you continue to hold them and receive…….
I recommend looking into the legend of the Crystal Skulls to have a little understanding on why they are here at this time….They are very strong in the Ethers now, you will feel this the more you connect and work with them.
You will see that your crystal skull will begin to open energetic pathways and bring in many different things!
I highly recommend taking Him/Her to meet the Crystal Skull held at the British Museum and also to connect with the Egyptian Energies there…..
Crystal Skulls love to meet others of their kind and communicate!
You can find me at Destiny Rising on Saturdays or call 01923 852522 for more information
With All My Love From My Heart to Yours
Sa Sekhem Sahu
Kee RA
Oracle Priestess & Soul Reader
Crystal Skull Guardian